05.03.2020        9333

An interesting musical program on the occasion of the spring holiday of women on March 8 pleased all those gathered in the assembly hall of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. The performances of artists and musicians of the State Chamber Orchestra of Folk Instruments “Sogdiana” were truly the magic of high art, they fascinated everyone with their excellent performance of both Uzbek folk songs and foreign ones in Azerbaijani, Italian, German and other languages.

Professor Feruza Ravshanovna Abdurakhimova, Honored Art Worker of Uzbekistan, art director and chief conductor of this orchestra, was the soul and inspirer of a large musical troupe, who played beautifully on a variety of instruments. As a captain, skillfully managing his team, Feruza Ravshanovna was magnificent and sensitive. With her “teams”, she either accelerated the run of musicians' tunes, then gently and lyrically, gently calming the “sea”, conveyed the word nay, nightingale singing and before us stood the images of a blossoming garden, the polyphony of awakening spring.

In this big "choir" sounded - Nai, Chang, Eve, Koshna Kashgar Rubab, Dutar, Azerbaijani Balaban, Doira, Percussion and other musical instruments. Next year, this wonderful team is preparing to celebrate the thirty year anniversary of its activities. During this period, the orchestra gained wide popularity not only in Uzbekistan, but also far beyond its borders, in many countries of the world. The singers of Akylbek Piyazov, Aziz Yuldashev, Sardor Primov, who performed the songs “Atirgullar ochdi teira” (Roses have perfectly opened), “Mukaddas ayol” (“Holy Woman”), “Blue Eternity” charmed the audience with a highly professional, well-posed voice. and others. Songs about spring, women, beautiful mothers and nature were performed by students of the State Conservatory, State Prize winner "Nihol" Khadich Imomnazarova and winner of the Zulfiya Prize Gulchira Bakhshiloeva.

Heads of the department of educational institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Shaydogul Zakirova, vice-rector of the UWED, M.T.Bakoev, chairman of the university’s women’s committee, professor E.S. Sultanova, addressed the meeting with congratulations. They noted the role of women scientists, teachers in preparing future diplomats, specialists for foreign affairs agencies, and in the upbringing of high-moral personalities. Leading evenings, students Fayez Khaitov, Sarvinoz Tajieva, Angelina Yadrenova were distinguished not only by their oratory skills, skillfully accompanied by the announcement of numbers by verses of famous poets, but also showed slides and videos from the life of university women. The ceremony of awarding the best employees and teachers of UWED with honorary diplomas was also held at the evening. Thanks to the good and skillful organizational work of such active women of the university as Umida Sultanova, Sayer Tillakhodjaeva and others, the festive events are always held at a high level and have a great emotional impact on the participants. Student youth is imbued with appreciation and love for their alma mater.

Fatima Muminova,
Professor of UWED