22.11.2019        10264

On 20th of November, 2019, as a part of «UWED Week», intellectual game «Что? Где? Когда?» was organized by socially active students. This event caused a lot of pleasant emotions not only to students from different universities but to staff of university too. The game that was held in “open” format will remain in the memory of all who was lucky to be there, because amount of teams of participants was incredibly high. This «Что? Где? Когда?» championship was the biggest through all the official championships that ever been held in Uzbekistan, never before such amount of teams participated in one tournament. In the final stage of this tournament participated more than 40 teams from different regions of Uzbekistan. So as a result of the championship the 1st place was taken by "Парадокс" team, 2nd place was taken by "Нирвана", and on the 3rd place among more than 40 teams of participants was the team of "Сборная Вануату".   

The main organizers of this event are the students from UWED: Agzamhujaev Ezozbek and Adizov Jahongir. Also co-organizers Uzakov Firdavs, Muydinov Amirkhon and Xojiakbarov Abdullo made a huge contribution in conducting this championship. Special thanks to volunteers directly involved in organizing this event: Ahmatov Azimjon, Ashurov Shuhrat, Jumaev Mehrojidin, Eshkobilov Shahzod, Ismatullayev Abbos, Narziyev Akobir, Mamarasulov Sardor, Yuldoshmatov Javlonbek, Maxmudova Madina, Xaydarova Dinora, Valiyeva Xusnora, Kenjayev Xojiakbar, Yadryonova Angelina and Bobojonova Jumagul.