News and Events

We fight ignorance with enlightenment!

Today, it is even more important to promote the humane ideas of our holy religion of Islam, to educate our young people in the spirit of sound faith, based on the principle of "Against Ignorance - Enlightenment".

Master class on the rights of persons with disabilities

On September 11, 2021 UNESCO Chair on “International Law and Human Rights” held a master class on "The rights of persons with disabilities" with the participation of Association of Disabled People of Uzbekistan for the 3rd and 4th year students of faculty of "International Law".

Barchasi "inson qadri uchun"

Har bir oʻzini va oʻz mamlakatini hurmat qilgan fuqaro butun yurtimiz taqdiri va kelajagini belgilovchi ulkan hodisa — Oʻzbekiston Prezidenti saylovida ishtirok etdi. Biz ovoz berish huquqimiz, chin fuqarolik erkimiz va qarashimizga tayanib, oʻz tanlovimizni qildik.

The eighth Tashkent SCO Model was held in UWED

As part of the events organized during Uzbekistan's chairmanship in the SCO, on November 10 this year, the 8th interactive game "SCO Model" was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy on the theme: "Peace and prosperity in Central Asia is the main factor in ensuring stability throughout the SCO space".