News and Events

The XIV traditional scientific and practical conference “Issues of language and translation in the training of specialists for foreign policy and foreign economic relations” was organized

On May 20, this year the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted the XIV traditional scientific-practical conference on “Language education and translation in the training of personnel for foreign policy and foreign economic relations.” The conference was attended by professors and teachers of leading universities of the country.

Simulation of a civil court with the participation of students

On May 13 of this year, a simulation of a civil court was conducted at the Legal clinic of the University of world economy and diplomacy with the participation of representatives of the Supreme School of Judges under the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, teachers of the Legal Clinic of UWED, second and third year students.

A meeting was held with a delegation from the UK

On May 5th of this year a meeting of the Vice-Rector of UWED for International Relations S.Saidkasimov with a member of the Organizing Committee of the Liberal Democratic Party of Great Britain, Chairman of the Business Club of Great Britain for International Affairs K.Divani and the chief director of the British company “EdLogica” V.Joshi was held at UWED.

The image of a woman in the new Uzbekistan

University of World Economy and Diplomacy together with Tashkent State University of Economics, carried out round table on “The image of a woman in the new Uzbekistan: theory and practice".