A roundtable discussion on US-Central Asian relations was held
A roundtable discussion on US-Central Asian relations was held
A roundtable discussion on US-Central Asian relations was held
Presentation for UWED students on scholarship programs and grants from French universities
Садибақосев Ҳабибулло Шодибой ўғлининг сиёсий фанлар бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) диссертацияси ҳимояси ҳақида эълон
Раҳматов Лазиз Хасановичнинг сиёсий фанлар бўйича фалсафа доктори (PhD) диссертацияси ҳимояси ҳақида эълон
Гульноза Исмаилова: “Конституция - гарант устойчивости общественного развития и всеобщего прогресса”
UWED student became the winner of the International Contest “Leader of Public Diplomacy”
President of “American Councils for International Education” David Patton visited the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
A republican scientific and practical conference was organized on the topic “Development of modern economic diplomacy of foreign countries and the possibility of applying their experience in Uzbekistan”
The grant project “Climate Migration in Central Asia: Challenges and Solutions” of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation of Germany was implemented