News and Events

An example of active cooperation between the mahallas and UWED

In our country, the mahalla has been a strong cultural center since ancient times, an influential body of self-government of citizens, a unique Institute of civil society. In recent years, a number of practical works have been carried out on the effective cooperation of mahallas and educational institutions.

Узбекистан и ЕАЭС: интеграция выгоднее "опоры на собственные силы"

Узбекистан активно пользуется статусом наблюдателя при Евразийском экономическом союзе. Весной республика приняла дорожную карту по развитию сотрудничества с ЕАЭС, которая в том числе включает гармонизацию законодательства с нормами союза.

Working with mahallas and increasing the legal literacy of young people

With the participation of Surayyo Usmanova, assistant professor of the UNESCO Department of International law and Human Rights, was held a conversation on the topic “Issues of prevention of violations among young people in Uzbekistan: international standards and national legislation” at the mahalla “Boz” of Mirzo Ulugbek district.