News and Events

International Day of Universal Access to Information

At the initiative of the UN Information Bureau in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the I Central Asian seminar was organized on the topic “Access to Information: Strengthening Academic Influence”. It was held in the conference hall of the UN Information Bureau in Almaty.

Tashkent Book Fest

In accordance with the plan for provision of spiritual, moral and educational work with the student youth, on October 3, took part in the event “Tashkent Book Fest”.

Opening of the Republican Students’ media-social and cultural Center

According to the Decree of the Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan №736 dated 17.09.2018, “Students’ media-social and cultural Center” was created with the aim of expansion of activities of the Center of Culture and Enlightenment under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education.

Acquaintance with the leading schools of law of California (USA)

A delegation from Uzbekistan consisting of representatives of UWED, TSUL and the Academy of the Prosecutor General's office visited the leading schools of law of California (USA) with the assistance of the USAID program on judicial and legal reform in Uzbekistan, implemented by Tetra Tech DPK in the period 15-21 September this year.