News and Events

Visiting the student hostel

On May 14, a meeting was held in the student hostel. Questions on the housing conditions of students and their problems were discussed at the meeting.

Lecturers of the faculty of “International law” at high school

Within the framework of the signed memorandum between the UWED and general education schools in Tashkent, representatives of the faculty of "International Law" (Artikova V., Toshev F.) conducted workshop and seminar-training at the secondary school No. 191 of Mirzo-Ulugbek district.

The workshop "Strengthening local government reforms in Uzbekistan - the experience gained through the study of models based on local communities"

On May 11, 2018, the workshop "Strengthening local government reforms in Uzbekistan - the experience gained through the study of models based on local communities", organized by the Center for Development Strategy with the support of the World Bank, was held in the "Year of support of active entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies’.