According to the order, approved by the rector of the UWED on 25th of October 2008, there was established the “Oriental languages department” under the Center of Language Education.

In the Department of Oriental Languages ​​there are taught the following languages as the second one: Arabic, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Urdu. About 453 students have been studying at the oriental languages ​​department.

The department has been cooperating with KOICA, JICA, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and the Arab countries’ embassies. ​​Foreign volunteer teachers of these languages are actively working in the department.  Annually, all students have the opportunity to study in foreign universities on the basis of scholarship. In particular, UWED students study at INHA  (South Korea), ADJOU, Waseda (Japan), Tsukuba, Nagoya University, Beijing university of People's Republic of China, Shanghai and Xi'an universities. In addition, the teachers of the department are training at foreign universities as well.

Every year within the department different cultural and intellectual events are organized. For example, some events such as “Japanese language and culture”, “Who knows China”, “Do you know Korean culture”, “The day of Arabic language and culture” are carried out by the talented students. The UWED students, participating in national and international contests organized by the department, have been winning different prizes and awards.

All language divisions are organized on the basis of international cooperation , information resource centers. The classrooms are equipped with multimedia and language resources.