The main activities of the department

The activity of the department presupposes the training of the undergraduate students of the first and second courses in Uzbek and Russian languages ​​on the basis of the experience of advanced foreign universities. In the process of education, Russian-speaking students deepen knowledge of the state language, Uzbek-speaking Russian, master free speech in Uzbek / Russian, resulting in oral and written communication skills, as well as skills of culture and art of eloquence. Teaching is provided to students of UWED who study in such educational areas as "World Politics", "International Law" and "World Economy and International Economic Relations".

Teaching of Uzbek and Russian languages ​​is an important task in the formation of a specialist with oral and written speech skills, as well as perfect knowledge of the language that fully meets the requirements of this time.

The main goal of teaching the language is to strengthen and further expand the knowledge gained in Russian and Uzbek languages, fluency in Russian and state languages ​​within the chosen specialty, the ability to logically express your thoughts, enrich your speech with professional terms, ensure a high level of speech literacy, Language into other languages ​​and vice versa, as well as gaining knowledge of the production of texts in scientific and official business styles. To this end, the teacher and student are tasked with the following tasks: the ability to write text on the specialty in different styles of speech, the formation of certain experience in correcting the text, the acquisition of skills in drafting official documents, the improvement of the oral and written speech of an international specialist, the free compilation of texts of a different genre, and Formation of translation skills.

Basic rules of teaching methods

  • Establishment of a variable system of language teaching based on the main goals of education;
  • Differentiated teaching in the initial and intermediate stages of language learning (taking into account the level of development of language training);
  • Use of new pedagogical and information technologies based on traditional methods in the teaching process;
  • Application in the educational process of the results of scientific and methodological research on the World Linguistics and methodology;
  • Reliance on linguistic and cultural characteristics in the process of teaching languages, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of the native language and mentality of students;
  • In the process of organizing language teaching, the active use of multimedia materials, e-books and computer programs specially created for students who are preparing to carry out their activities in a specific area of ​​international affairs, with the goal of forming and developing professional language skills.
  • Facilitate learning materials using methods of system analysis; Training in scientific observation, the use of effective methods for developing analytical skills.

Scientific research and scientific and methodical activity

New principles and approaches of the methodology of teaching Uzbek and Russian languages ​​as a second and foreign languages ​​have been developed; Multimedia materials, a collection of exercises, explanatory and bilingual dictionaries, electronic textbooks and computer programs for students who are preparing to carry out their activities in a specific area of ​​international affairs.

A database has been created that includes educational and informational materials (multimedia materials, electronic textbooks for independent education, computer programs, etc.);

Teaching staff regularly reviews the textbooks and teaching aids, educational materials on the Uzbek and Russian languages, created for secondary and higher educational institutions.

Intensive language courses for foreign specialists working in Uzbekistan have been developed.

Some textbooks, teaching aids and monographs, which were published by the faculty of the department:

  • M.Abdurakhmonova. Uzbek language (lexicon and stylistics). UWED, T .: 2010.
  • M.Abdurakhmonova. Dictionary of active words. UWED, 2010.
  • S.Otamirzaeva, M.Yusupova. Uzbek language. UWED, T .: 2003.
  • Sh. Kuchimov. Fundamentals of the technique of Uzbek legislature., 1996.
  • A.Saidov, S.Kuchimov. Fundamentals of Technology Legislators. Economics and Law., 2001.
  • A.Aripova. Oratory art and its stylistic means. UWED, 2005.
  • Sh. Normatov. World literature. Collection. UWED, T .: 2006.
  • A.Aripova. UMK in the Uzbek language specialty. UWED, 2010.
  • M. Abdurahmonov and G.Abbosov. Manual for improving speech. T., UWED, 2010.
  • M.Abdurahmonov. UMK in the Uzbek language. T, 2011.
  • Sh. Normatov. Technology of education in the Uzbek language. T, 2012.
  • A.Aripova. Oratory, UMK. UWED, 2014.
  • Sh. Normatov, M. Abdurahmanova. "Uzbek language" T., UWED, 2015.
  • A.Abdullaeva.Uchebno-methodical complex on discipline «Russian language», (part the first) UWED, T, 2010.
  • A. A. Abdullaeva, N.E.Sharipova "Learning to speak Russian" (electronic textbook) T.- 2010.
  • A. A. Abdullaeva Textbook on the development of speech in Russian (for students of educational areas "international relations", "international law." T., UWED, 2010.
  • G.M. Rakhmatullaeva "Textbook on Russian language for students of the direction" World economy and international economic relations "T, UWED, 2009.
  • N.E.Sharipova "Russian language for future lawyers" T, UWED, 2013
  • N.G.Bukreeva "The richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language" T., 2016.

The department carries out its activities, takes part in theoretical and theoretical forums, publishes articles and theses in both international and local journals. The department has scientific and practical relations with the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, KOICA (South Korea), JICA (Japan), Waseda (Japan), etc.