English Language Department ​​was established in 1992.

Currently, 30 highly qualified teachers work at the department, including 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 8 senior lecturers and 20 teachers.

The development strategy of the department implies continuous improvement of scientific and pedagogical approaches to professionally oriented English language training (ESP).

The concept of development of the Department of English is an effective fulfillment of educational, pedagogical, organizational and methodical, scientific-research tasks along with the tasks of spiritual development for the preparation of highly qualified specialists.

The principles of the development of the department are as the following:

  • continuous professional development;
  • the usage of innovative means of learning;
  • corporative working;
  • creating conditions for stimulating students' motivation to learn foreign languages, developing the ability to self-improvement of foreign language oral skills, and enhancing the ability of foreign language learning in standalone mode with the help of the media - and Internet resources.

The Department of English Language is designed to ensure comprehensive implementation of practical, educational goals for a broad training of specialists, who can freely understand foreign speech and express their thoughts in a foreign language, in the field of world economy, international law, and international relations.  

  The system of integrated program objectives was formed based on the fundamental concepts of the development of innovative education at the university.

According to the concept of foreign language teaching developed at the Center for Language Training, English Language Department works within the unique methodical direction "Development of communicative activity of students, based on active learning methods”.

The concept of linguistic education pursues the main and ultimate goal: the formation and development of profession-oriented foreign language competence of the UWED graduates. Profession-oriented foreign language competence involves the ability to perform professional communication with foreign partners, using a system of relevant language and speech standards and choosing the communicative behavior, adequate authentic communication situation. The main components of professional-oriented foreign language competence are intercultural and pragmatic.

The general requirements for the formation of the social and personal competencies of the graduate are determined by the principles of interdisciplinary and interactivity of the social and humanitarian education, the realization of which ensures the integrity of the study of humanitarian knowledge and its relationship with the future professional activity of the graduate of UWED.

The main aim of learning English at the University is to hold practical skills in spheres of International Relations, International Economic Relations, and International Law. English language course is not only learning the language, but also the students' individual work aimed at developing analytical, writing, presentation and other skills. The course structure includes y theoretical, practical aspects of oral communication skills as well as oratory skills. Case method, role-playing, business games, "brainstorming" are actively used in educational process. Educational materials aimed at learning and developing the spiritual culture of students. Modern pedagogic and information technologies based on modern context of interactive methods, conducted in the business of education, allow students to develop their memory and thinking skills.

Within the department also operates a course of interpretation and translation. Classes for simultaneous and consecutive interpretation are held in specially equipped classrooms.

The work with talented students is another priority of the department and much attention is paid on this. A number of gifted students participate in Annual National and International Olympiads in English language and get awards.

There are “Shakespeare Club”, LIGHT Club, “Readers Club” and “Lingua Club” in the Department, which are very popular among students. Club facilitators and teachers arrange various events and meetings with famous people, stage sketches on Shakespeare’s works, organize KVN in English. Students of pilot groups on translation perform a lot of translation work.

The teaching staff of the Department constantly works on their professional development, participate in teacher training seminars of “Iste’dod”, British Council, Uzbekistan Association of English teachers and others.

The teaching staff of the department are the authors of more than 40 publications: methodical guidebooks, textbooks, glossaries, dictionaries. Apart from this many teachers participate in different national and international seminars, conferences publishing their articles in the area of methodology of English language teaching in conference proceedings, scientific journals.

English Language Department cooperates with many universities in Uzbekistan such as Uzbekistan National University, University of World Languages, Institute of Oriental Studies, Islamic Institute, Westminster International University in Tashkent and abroad with Diplomatic Academy of Russia, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Institute of International Relations in Kiev, London Metropolitan University in England.