Hokkaido University Student Exchange Programs 2021 Spring (HUSTEP, SAS/SRS, JLCSP)
16.10.2020 4799
The application for exchange programs called HUSTEP (Hokkaido University Short Term Exchange Program) 2021 Spring Semester Course, JLCSP (Japanese Language and Culture Studies Program) 2021 Spring Semester Course and Special Audit Student (SAS) and Special Research Student (SRS).
We hope your students be interested in studying in the charming and ideal surroundings of nature-rich Hokkaido.
Brief Outline of our programs are as follows;
*HUSTEP 2021 Spring Semester & JLCSP 2021 Spring Semester*
1. Period of Enrollment: April 1 – August 31, 2021 (5 months)
2. Application Deadline: October 30, 2020 (Japan Standard Time)
*Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
3. How to submit application
*No Nomination required. Send application documents by POST and Email before the deadline.
*NOTICE: Based on GDPR, students from EU and EEA countries need to submit “Consent to Transfer and Process Personal Data” with other application materials*
Please also refer to our website:
Please note that some condition and/or schedule is due to change depending on situations surrounding COVID-19 pandemic.
HUSTEP: hustep@oia.hokudai.ac.jp
JLCSP: jlcsp@oia.hokudai.ac.jp
SAS/SRS: exchange-programs@oia.hokudai.ac.jp
Attached files
Hokkaido University Factsheet 2021 Spring
HUSTEP 2021 Spring Application
HUSTEP 2021 Spring Semester cover letter
Student Exchange Division
Hokkaido University
kita15 nishi8 Kita-ku Sapporo