21.02.2020 8291

We inform you about the application for participation in the short-term training course “Enhancing Learning through Scientific Inquiry in a Technology Enhanced Environment”, organized by the Regional Center for Education in Science and Mathematics in Science and Mathematics) as part of the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTSD), in Malaysia, July 1-15, 2020 in Penang.

All expenses (international round-trip flights, accommodation and meals) are funded by the host.

All necessary information can be obtained on the website: https://mtcpcoms.kln.gov.my/mtcpcoms/online/list_course 

Please inform interested university representatives from among students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young teachers. Candidates must have a good command of English.

If you wish to participate in the above-mentioned training competition, please provide the originals of the completed questionnaires (in 4 copies for each candidate) to the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan no later than March 17, 2020. for further transmission to the Malaysian side through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Also, in accordance with the requirements of the organizers, scanned versions of the completed questionnaires should be sent to the organizers in Malaysia in parallel.

Item No. 11 on page 8 is filled in by the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Item No. 10 on page 7 must be filled in by the applicant on behalf of the MVSSO RU.

Those who wish to contact the Department of International Cooperation of the UWED (building “B”, room No. 104) for further check-out in the prescribed manner.

Application form and program description

(unofficial translation from Russian)