News and Events

Summer Internship Program

The Center for Advanced International Studies of the UWED offers part-time internships to assist in data collection, analysis and administrative activities.

Meeting with poet Tura Mirzo

On May 17, 2017 within the framework of the planned activities which are aimed at enhancing the culture of reading among students, a poetry reading meeting with a poet, playwright and laureate of the International Prize Fusuli – Tura Mirzo was held at the Information and Resource Center of UWED.

VII Republican conference

On May 19, 2017 in the University of World Economy and Diplomacy VII Republican scientifically practical conference on the topic “Features of modern international relations and priorities of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was held.

Master-class with Laziz Adhamov

On May 15, 2017 a meeting with Laziz Adhamov, “SAP” Sales Director, founder of “Top-contact” and cofounder of “Bookcafe” took place at the UWED library.