About a visiting lecture in the Republican Center of judicial examination named after X.Sulaymanova at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
20.05.2017 26377
In order to implement the development program of the University of the World Economy and Diplomacy intended for 2016-2017, and to acquaint students with activities of the courts and law enforcement agencies, a visit to the Republican Center of forensic examination, named after H. Sulaimanova, at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been made on May 18, 2017. A lecture has been conducted on a subject: " The role of DNA expertise in the examination and resolution of civil and criminal cases”. In addition, students got acquainted with several laboratories and modern technologies applied in the Center.
Students visited the following laboratories: the department of forensic examination of documents, forensic-ballistic and trasological research, forensic investigation of materials, substances and products, forensic auto-technical examinations, forensic and economic expertise, forensic construction and technical expertise, forensic phonographic examination. Furthermore, students received answers to their questions.
Experts shared some knowledge of their profession and told about the problems that arise in their practice. At the end of the lecture students told about their ideas on the activities and plans for further development of the Center.