Secondary building materials are put up for the competition (auction).
After the reconstruction, UWED will be put up for auction of secondary building materials.
After the reconstruction, UWED will be put up for auction of secondary building materials.
The University of World Economy and Diplomacy announces a competition for leasing a canteen located in the lobby of the academic building "B" of the university for the provision of catering services
Construction materials located at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy will be put up for auction
Put up for auction cast-iron radiators, consisting of 300 sections and 40 wooden doors (0.9 x 2.1 m).
Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti bosmaxonasini kerakli asbob-uskunalar bilan jihozlash uchun tender eʼlon qiladi
Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti umumiy ovqatlanish xizmatlarini ko‘rsatish uchun universitetning “B” o‘quv binosi foyesida joylashgan bufetni ijaraga berish bo’yicha tender e’lon qiladi
Конкурс на приобретение технического оборудования для Мультимедийного центра УМЭД
Конкурс на приобретение технического оборудования для Мультимедийного центра УМЭД
Результаты тендера подпроекта «Мультимедийный центр УМЭД»
Настоящий тендер является открытым для всех поставщиков.