UWED team visited Rome
30.09.2022 1478
On September 19-23 this year, with the help of the USAID LRP cooperation program, together with representatives of UWED and TSUL, a visit was organized to Rome, Italy. Among the representatives of the UWED are Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation G.Ismailova and Head of the Educational and Methodological Department Fuzail Makhmudov.
The visit began on September 20 from the Italian University of Roma Tre. (For reference: Roma Tre University was founded in 1992 and has 13 programs with bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. degrees. More than 7,000 students study).
University rector Roma Tre prof. Massimiliano Fiorucci, studying the processes of development and approval and coordination of qualification requirements, curricula and educational programs, as well as the direction of the implementation of this system through digitization in UWED analysis of the quality control process for the compliance of the program created by teachers with the established requirements, and the development of proposals for the digitization of this system and its implementation. Recording and analyzing student performance and credits, moving students from course to course, moving from course to course, studying the process of assigning outstanding loans to students, and becoming familiar with the possibilities of digitizing this system at the university.
Head of the Law Faculty of the University of Rome Tre prof. the issues of signing a bilateral diploma (2 + 2) between Segreteria Rettore, UWED and Roma Tre University, as well as the possibility of organizing advanced training courses and trainings for teachers were studied.
On September 21, the Luiss-Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali announced that Guido Carli, Deputy Chancellor of the University for Internationalization, is a professor. A meeting was organized with Lorenzo Valeri, scientific manager of the Raffaele Marchetti and Luis Law Schools. (For reference: Luiss - Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli University emerged between 1974 and 1978. The university trains personnel in the four main disciplines - economics and finance, business and management, law and politics. Conducts extensive cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the field of international relations). The meeting discussed the curriculum and its organizational details; qualification requirements, development and approval of curricula and educational programs, as well as the study of the processes of coordination and implementation of this system at our university; Discussed were joint educational programs in professional development management, a master's program, the exchange of teachers and staff, as well as cooperation in the exchange of library materials and resources between teachers and teachers in order to develop research. At the end of the meeting, the details of a memorandum of understanding between UWED and the University of Luis Libera were agreed.
On September 22, Bruno Botta, Deputy Rector of the Sapienza University for International Relations, and Professor of the Faculty of Law at the Sapienza University of Rome, a meeting was organized with Oliviero Diliberto.
(For reference: Sapienza University was founded in 1303. In the academic year 2021-2022, there are 120,000 students. There are more than 42 faculties and programs with more than 3,500 teachers).
Studying the systems of digitization of the process of formation of individual educational trajectories of students and the choice of subjects and teaching staff; recording and analyzing student performance and loans, transferring students from course to course, throughput from course to course, studying the process of assigning outstanding loans to students and developing proposals for the digitization of this system at the university;; The issues of studying the process of monitoring the compliance of the program created by the module teachers with the established requirements and the digitization of this system and its implementation were considered. In addition, Deputy Rector for International Relations Bruno Botta stated that ERASMUS is ready to implement student mobility within the framework of international cooperation.
Based on the foregoing, UWED has options for applying the following innovations:
1. Formation of individual educational trajectories of students and digitization of the process of choosing subjects and teaching staff
2. Implementation of student mobility within the framework of ERASMUS international cooperation
3. Master's program and the exchange of teachers and staff
4. Studying the processes of development and approval of qualification requirements, curricula and educational programs, as well as coordination
5. Analysis of the process of quality control of the program created by teachers.