15.12.2021 1463

During the days of the wide celebration of the day of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the socio-political newspaper “Xalq so‘zi” published an article by the Doctor of Sociological Sciences (DSc) Seitov Azamat (Inalienable, non-declarative / Xalq so‘zi, socio-political newspaper, №255 (8004) dated December 8, 2021 , p.1), which reveals the essence and importance of the Basic Law of the country in the implementation of the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan, where life, freedom, honor, dignity and other inalienable human rights are recognized as the highest value.

It is separately emphasized that the Constitution of our country is an important political document that fully meets the interests of the people and the strategic goals of the state. The Constitution of the country is of great importance for the Republic of Uzbekistan in the framework of achieving the goal of building a just society, a free and prosperous life. To ensure the implementation of constitutional human rights and freedoms, the necessary political, socio-economic, organizational and institutional framework has been created. Separately, we would like to highlight the words of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyev that “New Uzbekistan is a state whose main goal is to ensure a free, comfortable and prosperous life of our multinational people. This is a state developing in strict accordance with generally recognized norms in the field of democracy, human rights and freedoms, based on the principles of friendship and cooperation with the international community.”

At the same time, in recent years, Uzbekistan has turned from an object of criticism into an active participant in the human rights movement. Child and forced labor has been eliminated. Moreover, on December 11, 2018, the US Department of State, by its decision, officially removed Uzbekistan from the so-called “list of countries of particular concern.”

Uzbekistan has developed national indicators for the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals until 2030, which is being carried out in accordance with the principle “Leave no one behind.” Uzbekistan was the first of the Central Asian states to create a system of national human rights institutions, which includes the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Children’s Ombudsman, the Business Ombudsman and the National Center for Human Rights.

In June 2020, for the first time, the National Strategy of Uzbekistan on Human Rights was adopted and is being consistently implemented. It provides for the implementation of the recommendations of the Human Rights Council and UN treaty committees. When adopting the National Strategy, the opinion of not only expert circles, but also the general public and international organizations was taken into account.

The Republic of Uzbekistan maintains an active and constructive dialogue with statutory and treaty bodies, UN specialized agencies and special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council. Moreover, for the first time in its history, Uzbekistan was elected a member of the UN Human Rights Council and successfully participated in its 46th session, held on February 22, 2021 in the format of a video conference. Uzbekistan actively participates in the United Nations World Program for Human Rights Education. The National Action Program for the implementation of the provisions of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training is being implemented.

Active work is being carried out to strengthen the socio-political status of women in the framework of an active gender policy. The role of women in public administration is increasing. The number of women deputies in the current parliament of the Oliy Majlis has doubled. Election to the Legislative Chamber of 32 percent, that is, 48 ​​women, secured Uzbekistan 37th place among 190 parliaments of the world.

In Uzbekistan, there is also a gradual humanization of criminal legislation. The use of information and communication technologies in forensic investigations is being widely introduced. The system of punishments and mechanisms of their appointment are being revised, outdated forms and types of punishments that do not meet modern conditions are being excluded. These and other measures show that the principle "The rule of law - the inevitability of responsibility" is being implemented in practice.

Over the past years, domestic criminal and criminal procedural legislation has undergone significant changes aimed at improving its norms, implementing advanced international standards and foreign practices in order to unconditionally ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens involved in criminal proceedings.

Over the past five years, historically significant changes have taken place in the judicial and legal system, which have determined the most important directions of the relevant state policy. In particular, further liberalization of criminal legislation and decriminalization of certain categories of crimes has been carried out, the list of punishments not related to imprisonment has been expanded.

Comprehensive measures have been implemented to expand the scope of the Habeas Corpus institute, introduce a simplified procedure for criminal proceedings, and further strengthen guarantees of the rights and freedoms of citizens in judicial and investigative activities. An important step in this direction was the Presidential Decree of August 10, 2020 No. UP-6041 “On measures to further strengthen guarantees for the protection of individual rights and freedoms in judicial and investigative activities.” All this allows us to conclude that the organization of the activities of law enforcement agencies has been radically revised in Uzbekistan, which is based on the implementation by each employee of the noble idea – “Serve the interests of the people.”

At the end of the article, it is noted that the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, embodying the high hopes of the entire people and based on such universal values ​​as freedom and human rights, serves the development of our society in all spheres, ensuring the equality of people.