The vectors of modernization of Uzbekistan: regional and global dimensions
11.11.2020 4236
On November 8, 2020, a panel discussion was held on the topic "The vectors of modernization of Uzbekistan: regional and global dimensions". Organized by the International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) and the faculty of International relations of UWED. The purpose of the conference was to analyze the positive reforms of the President of Uzbekistan that were made in the country's domestic and foreign policy, as well as to present the changes to the world community. The main partners of the event were The University of World Economy and Diplomacy, The Tashkent State University of Oriental studies, The SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, The Kokand City Administration, and the ‘Sarvigul” - national musical instrument ensemble under the Department of Culture of Kokand.
The topic of discussion at this event was that at the end of 2019, the Economist recognized Uzbekistan as the country of the year. The publication notes that thanks to the reforms of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan has made a qualitative leap in economic development, becoming a young independent state that is rapidly integrating into the international community. Although Uzbekistan still has a long way to go, however, it should be noted that thanks to the leader of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a lot of work has been done, both in the economic and political spheres. Adopted in 2017, the “Development Strategy of Uzbekistan" until 2021 identified five main areas of modernization. Progress is being made in all the areas presented.
Despite the ongoing socio-political cataclysms, new trends are gaining strength in Central Asia today, and there are favorable opportunities for solving urgent regional problems, expanding trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties. Uzbekistan, having a common border with all Central Asian countries, is objectively interested in turning the region into a zone of stability, sustainable development and good-neighborliness. The solution of all vital issues of the country's development – from border security to the equitable distribution of water resources – is inextricably linked to the establishment of stability in the region. An economically prosperous and secure Central Asia is an absolute imperative for Uzbekistan. Any major regional transport, communication and energy projects cannot be implemented without active cooperation with the countries of the region, without ensuring a high level of integration. In this regard, it is extremely important to think deeply about Central Asia as an important region of Uzbekistan's foreign policy and identify priority areas for mutually beneficial cooperation, to achieve concrete results that can make our region more secure, stable and prosperous.
The panel discussion consisted of the following panels:
- Reforms in Uzbekistan's foreign policy
- Economic modernization
- Domestic political reforms
- Uzbekistan's participation in regional integration processes
- People's diplomacy on the example of the SCO countries
- Uzbekistan's role in ensuring stability in Central Asia
The event was opened and moderated by a 2nd-year student of the faculty of International relations, Coordinator of Uzbekistan in IAPSS, Fazliddin Djamalov. He provided the conference guests with information about the speakers and the panel discussion in general. He also thanked all the partners for helping to organize the event at such a high international level.
Before starting the panel discussion, the Sarvigul national musical instrument ensemble under the Department of Culture of the Kokand City performed traditional Uzbek music for guests from abroad and citizens of Uzbekistan. The live performance was broadcast live from the Palace of Khudoyarkhan in Kokand, the eleventh ruler of the Uzbek Ming dynasty in the Kokand khanate. All the guests were impressed by the beauty of Uzbek music.
The panel discussion was opened by the rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. Dr. Komiljon Karimov greeted all participants of the event and thanked them for organizing it. The rector noted that the musical part showed the cultural richness of Uzbekistan. The role of the International Association for Political Science Students in focusing students from different parts of the world for the development of political science was highlighted.
Dr. Karimov made a report on Uzbekistan's foreign policy reforms. "The President of Uzbekistan has formed a new concept of foreign policy activities within the framework of the "Development Strategy for 2017-2021". The expansion of Uzbekistan's interaction with foreign partners and international institutions contributes to improving relations with its Central Asian neighbors. Recent Uzbek initiatives have led to the construction of new transport infrastructure, deregulation of the economy to simplify business activities, liberalization of national currency controls, and other market reforms aimed at achieving the goal of making Uzbekistan a regional transport and investment center. This new tactic should help Uzbekistan make better use of its natural advantages, such as its Central geographical location. The main priority of Uzbekistan's foreign policy is the Central Asian region. Uzbekistan's policy is aimed at ensuring peace and stability in the region, addressing key regional security issues, including helping to resolve the situation in Afghanistan. Uzbekistan is located in the heart of Central Asia, and its diplomacy plays a crucial role in the region. In particular, thanks to the political will of the Uzbek leadership, practical aspects of regional diplomacy are developing in the region."- said the rector of UWED.
Elbek Abdullayev, an independent researcher at the Department of System Analysis and Management, made the presentation on economic modernization. He reviewed the development of the investment climate and business in Uzbekistan. In particular, it was noted that Uzbekistan is becoming more open to economic cooperation, but not by eroding its sovereignty, but by improving the efficiency of legislation and public administration. The main goal of economic reforms is the transition of the economy of Uzbekistan to a market economy and its close integration into the world economic system in order to ensure the growth of national welfare and the standard of living of citizens.
Then began a panel discussion with the Head of the Department of Political Science, Faridun Sattarov, on the topic of domestic political reforms and the development of political science in Uzbekistan. When asked what are the main challenges facing your department in particular, Faridun Sattarov said that the Department training highly qualified specialists in the field of political science based on the use of advanced foreign experience and modern educational technologies, as well as the development of textbooks and manuals, programs and plans of a new generation in order to update the content aspects of the educational process on the subject of "Political Science". "Our main task is to move from less theoretical material to more practical research. We are also still looking for partner universities for possible opening of double degree programs, " – the panelist said. In addition, the tasks included conducting research in the field of political science, international relations and world politics, international economics and management, and international law.
The panel discussion on Uzbekistan's participation in regional integration processes was opened by Kamila Nikolayva, Head of the Department of Chinese politics, economy and culture at TSUOS. "Uzbekistan now pays special attention to integration with 3 organizations: the CIS, the SCO and the EEU," – Kamila Sergeevna pointed. In particular, when asked by the moderator about Uzbekistan's possible accession to the EEU, the panelist replied that in April Uzbekistan received observer status in the EEU. Perhaps in the near future, Uzbekistan will become a full member of the Union, and the mutually beneficial economic integration of Uzbekistan with North Central Asia will be successful, that is, the "distortions" in import and export will disappear. But whether Uzbekistan will become a full member of this organization will be decided by the people: "If the Uzbek people decide that the country's accession will be useful, the government will definitely fulfill the will of the people."
Fakhriddin Otbasarov, Head of the Science and Education Department of the SCO Center for People's Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, made a report on "the Role of public diplomacy in strengthening the friendship between peoples on the example of the SCO countries". "The level of development of people's diplomacy is an indicator of the democratization of the political system of society as a whole. Its effective functioning is designed to humanize international relations, become an instrument of the "soft" power of the state and people in promoting their interests and strengthening the country's image and authority abroad, " – Otbasarov said. When asked about the existence of such structures in the world, the panelist said that only 3 such centers operate in the world: one in Uzbekistan, the second in China anf the third in Russia.
"Uzbekistan is the only country in Central Asia that is located in the heart of the five states of the region. It borders Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan. In these countries, ethnic Uzbeks are the second or third largest ethnic group. It is beneficial for Uzbekistan to have good relations with neighboring countries, since it is historically and geographically a link on all issues in the region. This phenomenon had to be used for the benefit of the peoples of the region. That is why, thanks to the far-sighted policy pursued By the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, "– the moderator of the event said, thus opening the panel for discussion on the topic "The role of Uzbekistan in ensuring stability in Central Asia". Dr. Etibor Sultanova, DSc, made a report on the above-mentioned topic. The Professor said: "given that much in ensuring the country's security is connected with the participation of our country's leader in the international arena, his image, and initiatives put forward, we are proud to note that in recent years, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev not only supports Uzbekistan's bilateral and multilateral contacts with countries and international organizations, but also twice spoke from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly-on September 10, 2017 at its 72nd session and on September 23, 2020 at its 75th session. While the first time he put forward six initiatives, the second time he proposed eleven initiatives that were adopted and received broad support from the international community. Regarding the problems of Central Asia, in 2017, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said from the UN rostrum: "Uzbekistan defines the Central Asian region as the main priority of its foreign policy. This is a conscious choice. Located in the heart of Central Asia, Uzbekistan is interested in making the region a zone of stability, sustainable development and good neighborliness. A peaceful, economically prosperous Central Asia is our most important goal and key task." The Professor's speech was translated into English by Mariam Botchoroshvili, a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of International relations.
Concluding remarks were made by the Chairman of IAPSS Asia, Rutaba Tariq, who noted that holding this event at such a high level showed the image of Uzbekistan to the world community. She thanked all the organizers, panelists and participants for taking part in this event. After this speech, the panel discussion was completed.
We express our special gratitude to the rector of UWED, Dr. Komiljon Karimov, vice-rector for international affairs, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan, Saidmukhtor Saidkasimov, deputy dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Sayyora Tillyakhodzhayeva, head of the Department of Political Science, Faridun Sattarov, Professor of the Department of Political Science, Etibor Sultanova, associate professor at the Department of Economic theory, Rano Djurayeva, independent researcher in the Department of System analysis", Elbek Abdullayev, head of the Department "Chinese politics, economy and culture", Kamila Nikolaeva, the Director Of the SCO center for pub;ic diplomacy, Kabuljon Sobirov, head of the Department of Science and Education at this center, Fakhriddin Otbasarov and our partners from the Kokand City Administration.
Note: Uzbekistan became an official member in the IAPSS after the appointment Fazliddin Djamalov, a 2nd-year student of the faculty of International Relations at UWED, as regional coordinator. On November 7, 2020, Otabekjonov Ramzbek, a 2nd-year student of the faculty of International Relations of at UWED, became Co-chair of the Asian continent. At the moment, 7 students have become official members at IAPSS from Uzbekistan. We wish to our talented students good luck and success in all their endeavors!