02.07.2020 3047

The Presidential Decree approved the National Human Rights Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Strategy was adopted with the aim of further improving the mechanism for protecting human rights and freedoms, ensuring the implementation of the Strategy of Action in five priority areas of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, as well as the effective and immediate implementation of the tasks set forth in the Message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on January 24, 2020. In order to provide smooth implementation of the strategy, special committee approved a “road map”, which embraced 78 events in five areas.

The strategy was adopted taking into account the intensive dynamics of reforms in the country in recent years, radical transformations in all life, constant rethinking of ongoing processes, and integrated approaches to solving the tasks.       
When developing the Strategy, the best foreign countries' best practices were carefully studied and taken into account. The draft Strategy was actively discussed on the SOVAZ internet platform. It is important to note that during its development a high level of involvement in the process of discussion and development of state and non-state institutions was ensured.

Familiarization with the Strategy gives a clear idea of ​​the priority areas and prospects for the development of public policy in the field of human rights. The following measures were identified as the main areas:

  • ensuring the unconditional implementation of national action plans (“road maps”) aimed at implementing the recommendations of international organizations for the protection of human rights;
  • identification, analysis, and elimination of causes and conditions that impede the implementation process of the statutory bodies;
  • and the UN human rights treaty committees, through the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving legislation and law enforcement practice;
  • effective cooperation with the Public Chamber under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and civil society institutions in the implementation of international obligations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, concerning human rights.

The Roadmap for the implementation of the Strategy takes into account all new trends in global development, including the possibilities of digital technologies, the increasing role of civil society.      

Particular attention is paid to provide a multi-level monitoring system based on clearly defined indicators. In particular, the Decree approving the Strategy provides for the procedure according to which the National Center for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the Center) in order to implement the National Strategy and the Road Map:

  • conducts regular monitoring, makes proposals and recommendations to the relevant ministries and departments on the quality and timely implementation of measures;
  • permanently publishes on its website detailed information reflecting specific indicators and achieved results;
  • quarterly submits summarized information to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • provides preparation, translation into foreign languages ​​and publication of information and analytical comments.    

In addition, at meetings of the Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan once every six months information will be heard from ministries and departments on the implementation of the National Strategy and the Road Map.

Of course, the Strategy will become a strategy that will be an absolutely working document, a practical guide for authorities, will become a tool for coordination in the field of human rights, will help to plan the development of legislation and practice in this direction, will ensure a well-functioning system for ensuring and protecting human rights. 

The strategy will open a new stage in the development of international cooperation in the field of human rights. The decree provides for the establishment of a Parliamentary Commission for the observance of international human rights obligations, as well as the holding of the Samarkand Human Rights Forum with the participation of representatives of international organizations, specialists from foreign countries and guests of honor once every two years.

Thus, the Strategy will open a new stage in state policy in the field of human rights and takes to a new level all the efforts taken in this direction.

Hamdamova Firuza,
Senior Lecturer, University of World Economy and Diplomacy