Research Center of State-building and Public Law (CPL) implements:

  • Conducting of complex political and legal researches of actual issues of democratization in the sphere of state and society building, development of public law, parliamentarianism, law-enforcement agencies in Uzbekistan, along with foreign policy legal basis;
  • Learning international experience, best patterns of the world, foreign practice of state-building and management, law-making and law-enforcement activities.

CPL, representing scientific-practical laboratory, spreads perspective form of legal education; carries out scientific-research, informational-analytical, expert, consulting activities on a project basis by creating temporary structures, working groups (of projects) for resolving entrusted tasks. Herewith, students, postgraduates, senior research associates-candidates may participate in the work of the Center, along with teaching staff of all faculties of the University, public employees of state power and administration, social and other organizations on a contract basis, foreign specialists.

CPL cooperates with other educational-scientific structures, including, foreign research centers; actively participates in the projects of UNDP, GIZ, IRZ on legal reform issues and on grants of SCCT.

Currently, the center is conducting an active expert-analytical work in accordance with the  program of CPL and the working schedule of Commission’s working group on preparing normative legal acts’ projects, stipulated by the schedule of lawmaking on realization of amendments to the articles 93, 98 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers’ Plan of events on realization of the law dated to January 31, 2013 No. 12/1-878.