The Information and resource center of the UWED started its functioning when the university  was established in 1992.

The total library holding comprises 217553 books. The IRC library holding is represented in the state language as well as foreign languages.

Currently, a significant range of books and periodicals has been collected.

Representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad, Embassies of foreign countries such as Great Britain, France, Germany, USA, Korea, Japan, India and many others take part in the formation of the library holding.

The main part of the German literature library holding was completed by the Embassy of Germany, the International Book Fund, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and the faculty of the university.

Simultaneously with the formation of the library holding, the fund of electronic resources was formed.

The British Literature library holding was formed with the assistance of the Embassy of the United Kingdom  and the Embassy of the United States of America as well as Charitable Funds such as  SABER, PERDCA, WORLD BANK.

In 1995, the Archives of Anna Shikhi, a prominent scholar from Great Britain who wrote a number of books, articles, essays on the history, ethnography, culture of the peoples of Central Asia was donated to the UWED.

There is a unique encyclopedia "Britannica", which includes data before 1998.

Recently, the IRC library holding has been supplemented  with the  literature in the French, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Urdu languages.

A significant place in the library holding  is occupied by the literature in Uzbek.

The classical philosophical heritage of such scientists as Alisher Navoi, al-Farabi, al-Bukhori, Beruniy, Abu Ali ibn Sino, al-Fargoniy and other outstanding thinkers and philosophers is presented.

Much attention is paid to the receiving of educational literature in the Latin chart.

IRC  receives a significant number of local and foreign periodicals, and also has provides students and academic staff with the access to EBSCO Host electronic resources.

Currently, the IRC library holding  is equipped with modern educational literature in Uzbek, Russian, English, German, French, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Italian and other languages.

IRC users have the opportunity to choose the books and periodicals that they need from the electronic catalog, both on the territory of the UWED and through the Internet. At the beginning of the academic year, students of the first year are given information (in the form of a presentation) on the rules and regulations for using the resources of the IRC, a brief reference on the resources, explanation of  the general principle of the IRC.

In September 2007 the library was re-equipped and then renamed the Information and Resource Center.

IRC has 3 departments which deal with user services:

  1. 1. Subscription department is the department where readers receive educational literature for a long time. Book giving is automated. All users are included in the database and have individual badges.
  2. 2. Multimedia Hall  is the hall  where the readers use all electronic resources of the IRC. The room is equipped with a scanner, a printer. Here students can watch multimedia lectures and news on satellite television. There are a lot of electronic resources in the collection.
  3. 3. Reading Hall is the  Hall where readers can study from 8.30 A.M.  till  8.00 P.M. There is a separate room for group work and discussions. Wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) is provided in the hall.

The Information and Resource Center works on the basis of the automated information library system Libeka, through which the books are loaned and work with the electronic catalog is carried out. The  Users can leave a book reflection, view the list of books in the personal account, participate in the replenishment of the library holding (order literature). All IRC resources (educational literature, articles, periodicals, electronic versions) are stored in an electronic catalog and are accessible to all users.

The IRC has a large electronic resources data base, which contains educational, fiction literature as well as multimedia materials.

The accessible resources are actively promoted. The trainings and consultations for IRC users on the efficient use of resources are conducted Regularly. The information screen of the IRC demonstrates electronic resources and new arrivals. Users receive timely information about new resources by e-mail and via the Internet messengers.

List of periodicals for 2021