Department: The UNESCO Chair on International Law and Human Rights

Position: Professors


Summary of activities:

Dr. Inomjon I. Bobokulov is an associate professor at the UNESCO Chair on International Law and Human Rights, UWED. He holds a PhD (2002) and a Doktor nauk (Doctor of Science) degree (2010) in International Law from UWED. Currently he is a member of Editorial Board of International Relations, journal of UWED and a member of Scientific Councils of UWED and Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for dissertation review.

His scholarly interests cover contemporary regional security issues of Central Asia and Afghanistan; activity of regional organizations; international legal aspects of boundary and territorial issues in Central Asia.

He has been a visiting scholar at the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute Johns Hopkins University-SAIS in Washington, D.C. (2005) and S Rajaratnam School of International Relations Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2016).

Dr. Bobokulov has contributed to a number of international conferences and seminars; participated in several research projects in Uzbekistan and abroad;  supervises for doctoral/masters’ dissertations on International Law and Security Studies; and teaches courses on “International Security Law” and “Regional Security Studies in Central Asia”.

Selected publications:

  1. “IS in Afghanistan: Emergence, Evolution and Expansion”, Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis. – Singapore, 2016. - Vol. 8, Issue 7, July,2016.
  2. State-building in Afghanistan: Decentralization vs. Centralization”, Central Asia and the Caucasus. – Sweden, 2015. - Vol. 16, Issue 2.
  3. Ferghana as FATA?”, Central Asia and the Caucasus. – Sweden, 2014. - Vol. 15, Issue 4.
  4. The Afghan Transformation: Priorities and Key Problems”, Central Asia and the Caucasus. – Sweden, 2013. - Vol. 14, Issue 2.
  5. Central Asia as a Security Complex: Theory and Practice”, Central Asia and the Caucasus. – Sweden, 2012. - Vol. 13, Issue 3.
  6. Fergana Valley: the Heart of Central Asia, edited by S. Frederick Starr with Baktybek Beshimov, Inomjon I. Bobokulov, and Pulat Shozimov, New York, London: M.E.Sharpe, 2011. -  512 p.
  7. Международно-правовые аспекты региональной безопасности: вопросы теории и практики. – Т.: Университет мировой экономики и дипломатии, 2010. – 232 с.
  8. Central Asia: is there an alternative to regional integration?, Central Asian Survey. – London, 2006. - Vol. 25 No. 1-2, March-June.