Department: World Economy and International Economic Relations

Position: Docents


Graduated from the faculty of "Chemical technology" of Tashkent State Technical University named after Abu Rayhon Beruniy on the major of "Chemical technology of knitting materials" as an engineer-technician.
After graduating, she continued the education as a graduate student in the Institute of Nuclear Physics under the Science Academy of Uzbekistan, where she defended the PhD thesis. In 1994, she started her career in the department of Industrial Ecology of Tashkent Chemical Institute as a senior teacher. Since 2003, she has been working at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

In 2006, she acquired the scientific degree of an associate professor in the sphere of "Environment Protection and Rational Usage of Natural Resourses". Nowadays, she has been diligently teaching and supporting the students of all faculties, Master's students, practitioners and graduate students.

Sphere of scientific interest: Methods of improving the environment in Uzbekistan and stable development.

Teaching courses: “World Economic Geography and Ecology", Methods of Scientific Research.

Main Publications:

  • “Personal development” - Textbook Т., 2008, supported by UNDP;
  • “International Ecology”- Training manual 2006,  UWED;
  • “Ecology” - Т., 2011, UWED;
  • “Methods of Scientific Research” – Training Manual Т., 2013, UWED;
  • “Problems of Energy Security and Diplomacy". Guidelines for practial assignments, 2014;
  • More than 38 scientific articles in National and International Conferences.