The second stage of competition of the best poster and article under the name “We are against corruption” is ended at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
20.05.2019 11810
Based on decree NO.327 by 2019.04.10 of minister of higher and secondary education there was organized and finished the second stage of posters’ and articles’ competition between faculties on theme “We are against corruption”.
Provost in communication with youth L. Mingishov, Professor of international and internal law R. Khakimov, Chief of Uzbek and russian languages department M. Abdurakhmanova, Chief of department of spiritual breeding B. Suyunov and Deputy Dean of international relations S. Tillakhujaeva participated in this competition as referees.
During evaluation of creative works, court representatives payed a special attention for representing a main content, independent mind, analyzing, creative reporting, using own experience and skills while making a presentation. They also noticed participants who offered best solutions of a problem.
According to the decision of judges representatives of the group 0-4a-18, which are students of the first grade of “International economy and management” faculty have won in the best poster nomination. As a represenatative of group 1-4a-17 from faculty “international law” Erkinova Dinara Fakhriddinovna achieved the second place in nomination of the best poster.
The crew of 03-a-18 group of faculty “International economy and management” reached the 3 place in nomination of the best poster.
The student of third grade of faculty “International Law” Azatov Jakhongir Aybekovich had won in nomination of aarticles under the headline “We are against corruption” and reached honorable first place.
The second place in nomination of the best article went to student of second grade of school “International Relations” Abdijabborova Nazlimkhon Abdijabbor qizi.
We are reminding that documents of winners who achieved 1 and 2 places in second stage were sent to organizational comission for participating in the 3 stage.
The team of UWED kindly regards all winners and participants who took a place in nominations of posters and articles under the name “We are against corruption”