The event entitled “Glory to my mother tongue” was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
21.10.2022 2609
The announcement of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 4, 2019 on the wide celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state language" and the Decree "On measures to radically increase the role and authority of the Uzbek language as the state language" dated October 21, 2019 became a vivid example of respect and attention, which our country shows to the native language. For example, “Our Uzbek language, which is one of the oldest and richest languages in the world, is for our people a symbol of national identity and independent statehood, an invaluable spiritual wealth, a great value that occupies an extremely important place in the socio-political, spiritual and educational development of our country ," the ruling says. The work done by our linguists and the attention given by our government over the past period to the implementation of this decision is commendable. On October 19 this year, at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, on the occasion of the “Celebration of the Uzbek language”, an event was held under the slogan “Glory, my native language”. The event was attended by the faculty and students of UWED. The event was opened by the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy Sadyk Salihovich Safoev with his opening speech. The speaker mentioned that knowing the state language is the duty of every citizen, everyone should be able to communicate competently in it, be proud of their language, it was noted that the Uzbek language has a wide range of expressiveness, the speaker emphasized that at our university we train personnel for the international field of activity, that an international specialist is obliged to respect his language, culture and history.
According to the results of the essay competition on the topic "Uzbek language - a symbol of national identity and independent statehood", held by the rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy Safoev S.S. in October 2022, under the motto “Glory to my native language”, a 1st year student of the Faculty of International Economics and Management Imomova Maftuna was awarded a 1st degree diploma; according to the results of the competition of journalistic articles on the topic “My native language, be eternal”, held under the motto “Glory, my native language”, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of International Relations Haidarova Mushtari was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree; according to the results of the video contest on the topic “Language is the mirror of the nation”, held under the motto “Language Experts”, a 1st year student of the Faculty of International Economics and Management Riksiboev Ibragim was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree; According to the results of the competition of dictations on the topic "The most competent student", held under the motto "Glory, my native language", a 1st-year student of the Faculty of International Law Abdurakhmanova Madina was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.