09.05.2021        13358

Every year on May 9, the Day of Remembrance and Honors in our country is widely celebrated as a national holiday in order to express respect for our compatriots who fought for our peaceful and peaceful days, worked selflessly, and honored the memory of our ancestors who gave their lives in the name of peace and tranquility. According to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “May 9 – Victory Day-is a celebration of glory, which the people and the original children of our country achieved over five years of brave struggle, the defeat of the evil enemy, and indestructible losses. This is a great story, a mighty spiritual wealth that will never be forgotten, that no power can take away from us”.

Indeed, today the preservation of the memory of our ancestors, the continuation of their noble work, and now respect for those who stood in our ranks, who served in the name of peace and prosperity of our country, become an integral part of our spiritual life.

Over the past period, commemoration of the dead, receiving news about the dead and the sick has become a tradition not only for Uzbeks, but also for representatives of all nationalities and nationalities living in our country. Consequently, the educational significance is acquired by the fact that such life views as respect for the memory of the departed, and a careful attitude towards people penetrate into the blood of our people.

It is known from history that in 1937-1953 terrible mass repressions took place on the territory of the former USSR. To imagine how terrible it was, it is enough to remember that in our country alone, about 100 thousand people were repressed, and 13 thousand were shot.

Among these people, whose human value was found, whose lives were disrupted, were not only the intelligent strata of the population, but also hundreds of ordinary people. Considering how many people died during this period, women were condemned to widowhood, children to orphanhood, and thousands of peasants were exiled to distant lands as "slaves", the horror of this tragedy that has befallen our people is even more obvious.

Today, we have every reason to say that a new era has literally begun in the study of our history during the Second World War. For example, by this time it was believed that at the time of the outbreak of the war, the population of our country was 6 million 551 thousand people, and about 1 million 500 thousand of them took part in the war.

According to new data, about 1 million 951 thousand people were mobilized from Uzbekistan. So, every third Uzbek citizen, taking up arms, fought against fascism.

It is impossible, of course, to say that the names and fates of almost 451 thousand of our compatriots who courageously participated in fierce battles have been ignored for many years.

See what heavy losses and losses our people suffered in the terrible war, what suffering they endured!

I would like to end my speech with the following verse of Khurshid Davron:

As long as there is a memory, the nation is alive,

He is alive, he is proud, he is alive, he is building.

Memory is the power of the people,

Memory is the light that illuminates the morning.

Dilmurod Dilmurodov,
1st -year student of the faculty of “International Relations”