12.01.2021        8243

Huge wealth of Uzbekistan, priceless treasure are our brave youth.

In the President's Address to the Oliy Majlis, special attention was paid to the issues of women and youth, the creation of decent conditions for education and life for them, the systematic study of their problems, the development of labor and entrepreneurship.

On January 12 of this year, the University of world economy and diplomacy, with the initiative of “Meeting of the Council of Girls and Women”, held a round table aimed at promoting the culture of clothing for girls and students within the framework of the “Nafosat” festival, with the participation of young designers and specialists in this area. The event was moderated by the Chairperson of the Council of Girls and Women of the UWED, Doctor of Political Science, Professor Sultanova Etibor Sultanova.

The round table was opened by Vice-Rector for Innovation and Science, Doctor of Law Ismailova Gulnoza Saidganikhodjaevna, with the following words: “All of us, the society and heads, must strengthen our responsibility and accountability to protect the health of our women, so that they acquire modern knowledge and skills, and innovatively capable professionals and have found their rightful place in our society. Because our women are the mistresses of the family, and our youth are the masters of our future. The fact that we train them today is a guarantee that tomorrow they will train a new generation in this way”– she said.

Among the invited guests, the event was attended by the Chief Adviser of the Committee on Girls and Women, and Gender Equality of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Shotursunova Nodira Nosirovna, member of the Sent Oliy Majlis R.Uz. - Kodirkhonova Malika, Head of the Department for the Projects of New Designs at the enterprise “Kaztkimachiliksanoat” - Kulomova Kamola, creative director of the “Buka” brand, one of the leading designers of Uzbekistan - Elnora Rizaeva.

Among the activists of the club “Girls-Leaders” under the Council of Girls and Women of the UWED from the 1st year of the IR Faculty Mushtariy Usmonova with the report “Youth of the XXI century - the founders of the basis of the Third Renaissance”, Saida Sattorova on “The Image of a Modern Woman of Uzbekistan”, from the 2nd year of the  IR Faculty Madina Ilmiddinova - "The Image of Women Leaders of the World" and Maftuna Khasanova "The Importance of Intellectual Potential and High Spirituality in the Formation of a Modern Woman Diplomat" made presentations and reports on the above topics.

If we look at the rich centuries-old history of the people of Uzbekistan, we will see in it difficult stages of conquering the peaks of development. At these stages, such processes as the formation of our statehood, the rise of science, art and culture in society, the achievements of great figures in their work, contribute to the development of world civilization. Our courageous people have always been ready for change and adversity. We know that society never stands still and always strives for development and renewal. This is why values, customs and traditions are changing. Young people are the driving force behind this development and change. We are certainly glad that today there are many young people who set an example to their peers, actively participating in the process of renewing society with innovative ideas and projects. At the celebration of the 29th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the President said: "Indeed, the future development and prosperity of our country depends on the knowledge and spirituality of our potential youth." Therefore, we must pay great attention not only to the knowledge and intellectual potential of our children, but also to the dress code and spiritual image.

It should be noted that the culture of clothing is a factor that reflects a person's appearance, spiritual world, moral qualities and potential, views on elegance and manners. Therefore, in today's fast-paced global era, we need to increase the attention of our women and youth to a clothing culture that preserves our national identity. In addition, in the issue of increasing the activity and replenishment of the ranks of enterprising, courageous women and youth with high morale, independent thinking, a strong life position, a broad outlook and deep knowledge in the development of civil society in building a democratic state, of course, for us, teachers, this is is the first priority.

S. Tillakhodjaeva