21.11.2022        1843

On November 21 of this year, the presentation of the book by French President Emmanuel Macron published in Uzbek was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

This event was dedicated to the official visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoyev to the French Republic, and the meeting was opened by S.S. Safoev, Rector of UWED. "The University of World Economy and Diplomacy has signed 3 memorandums with French universities so far. The publication of this book in Uzbek is a major event. You will become the first readers of it." - he noted. Then he thanked the participants of the ceremony.

Then the political portrait of President Emmanuel Macron, articles on his life and work were analyzed. "Long live France - reading the book helps to understand France's current policy, priorities, its relations as regards to Central Asia, especially Uzbekistan." - says A. Umarov, deputy director of the Institute of Prospective International Studies under UWED.

Members of the Parliament and government of Uzbekistan, industry experts, professors and teachers of UWED and French-speaking students took part in the dialogue.

Then the participants had a lively discussion and a conversation about the book.