21.09.2019 7569

On September 20, 2019 at the International Westminster University in Tashkent was held meeting with the participation of the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of Judges and Lawyers - Diego Garcia-Sayan. At the meeting attended teaching staff, masters and students of the University of World economy and Diplomacy. In particular, I, Giyosov Abu Tolib Bahodirovich, 1-st year student at the Faculty of “International law” of the UWED, also took part in this event.

I can say that this meeting, being the first in my life during the period of high education, made a huge impression on me. Most importantly, It provided great practical assistance in planning and realizing of my loyal intentions. I believe that it would be advisable to organize such kind of meetings, open dialogs on the exchange of experience for students more often. 

1-st year student of the Faculty of “International law”

Giyosov Abu Tolib Bahodirovich