18.09.2019 7178

The Asian Youth Conference was held on September 6-7 and 8 in partnership with the Uzbek International Law Association, the Central Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in order to make the world more aware of Uzbekistan and contribute to its image. It was organized and held in a spirited atmosphere. A total of 796 Youth took part such as  delegates from six areas, organizers and delegates from neighboring countries.

Various projects were created at the conference based on the ideas of the Youth. During the conference, a Memorandum of Uzbek- Kyrgyz Youth Conference was signed between the delegations. Nine directions were created their own projects during our conference.

First place - Ecology, Second - Economic Crisis, Third place - Health Issues. They were given  5 000 000 sums, a TV, a vacuum cleaner as a promise. All delegates were given Certificates. As the winning team, the Ecology Delegates were given a membership certificate by the Ecological Party and were hired as Public Inspector.