08.07.2019 8641

On July 3, 2019, students of the Legal Clinic of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy took part in a master class organized by the director of the Turkiston Press publishing house, Louisa Makhmudova, on the topic “The role of the mass media in the legal sphere and the basis of their effective use”.

The master class was organized in three main areas.

  1. The role and importance of media in modern civil society.
  2. Access to media opportunities in the field of law.
  3. Improving the legal framework of media activities.

During the meeting, Louise Makhmudova responding to questions from students based on personal experience noted how important it is to ensure legal compliance in the process of collecting, preparing and processing materials printed in the media and the need for further expansion of cooperation between lawyers and the media in ensuring timely and accurate changes in the legal sphere.