19.02.2019 11751

The Higher School of Diplomacy of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs started its operation in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 21, 2018 “On measures to fundamentally improve the activities of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy”.

The main aim of the Higher School of Diplomacy is to provide the retraining and advanced training courses for the personnel of the Ministries and Offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan involved in foreign economic and foreign policy activities by short-term and long-term training courses on a contractual basis.

In accordance to the Order of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 129 dated 26 January 2019, the Higher School of Diplomacy took the training courses for diplomats posted to the country’s diplomatic representative of Uzbekistan to a foreign country since 30 January 2019 to 14 February 2019. Students learned a comprehensive curriculum on international economy and management, economic and commercial diplomacy, digital economy, attraction of strategic investment and research on international investment potential within the framework of training courses. Also, main attention was paid to the problems of international and regional security, international law and legal policy, development of international tourism and touristic business, world history and culture.

I. Nematov, the First deputy minister of the foreign affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and I. Irgashev, Special representative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Afghanistan, delivered the lectures within the framework of the trainings. The current essence and priorities of the foreign policy direction of Uzbekistan guided by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev, an efforts of our Republic towards to cardinal improvement of interaction with the countries of the Central Asia, and initiatives of Uzbekistan on peaceful settlement of the situation in Afghanistan were narrowly discussed during their lectures.

At the result of the training courses, learners of the Higher School of Diplomacy were awarded with the relevant certificates.