Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of Uzbekistan H.E. Nobuaki Ito visited UWED
29.11.2018 10896
On November 28, 2018, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan H.E. Nobuaki Ito delivered a lecture on the topic "The current state and perspectives of further development of bilateral relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japan." at UWED.
During his speech, the high-ranking diplomat spoke in detail about the history and current state of bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and Japan, as well as the development trends of his country.
The lecture was listened with great interest by students and teachers of the University and was followed by active questions and answers session. The Japanese Ambassador also expressed his satisfaction with the students' activity in the ensuing discussion, which demonstrates the great interest of the audience in Japan’s modern foreign and domestic policy.
At the end of the meeting, the traditional ceremony of photographing honorary guest with students of the University took place.