In memory of fathers and grandfathers
21.05.2018 14188
A group of students from the Faculty of International Relations visited the Museum of Remembrance of Victims of Repression. The museum was founded in 2001 by the initiative of the first President of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov. The exhibits, documents, from the ХIX to the modern period are presented in the halls of the museum. While getting information about personal documents, archival materials of well-known historical figures the young people were imbued with deep respect to dedicated service to the people and their homeland. Touching upon the life history of such people as Mahmudkhoja Bekhbudi, Fitrat, Chulpon and other Jadids, future diplomats enriched their knowledge and filled with high feelings, pride in their glorious fathers and grandfathers.
This visit to the museum once again reminded students of the need to continue the heroic history of the Uzbek people and make their worthy contribution to the further prosperity and progress of Uzbekistan.