Teachers of UWED in the general education school
11.05.2018 14182
Within the framework of the signed memorandum between the UWED and general education schools in Tashkent, representatives of the faculty "International Relations" conducted a master class and a seminar-training in the secondary school No. 211 of Mirzo-Ulugbek district. The head of the school Zulfiya Khalmudinova briefly told about the work of the school team, more than 50 teachers work together and 900 students are studying. Professor Fatima Izumatlayevna Muminova and senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Human Sciences Nargiza Abdusattarova with the school teachers gathered in interactive form conducted a master class and a seminar-training on modern educational technologies, demonstrated the most active methods and communication techniques for better mastering difficult concepts for students and terms. In their speeches, they presented teachers with illustrative materials, samples of compiling clusters, tables for use in social and humanitarian disciplines, history, spirituality, and literature. Deputy dean of the faculty "MO" Fuzail Mahmudov shared his experience of cultural and educational work with student youth. The teachers of the school asked the guests questions that interested them and expressed a desire to get to know the life of the university better, to visit it together with the students of the senior classes.