The UWED hosted an open lecture on “The historical roots of the discipline”National idea: Basic concepts and principles "
10.03.2016 35905
A public lecture was delivered by the professor of the department of social –humanitarian sciences , Ph.D. Sultanova E.S on March 10, 2016 . It was dedicated to the topic: "The historical roots of the discipline « National idea: Basic concepts and principles".
For the open lecture there were invited " Honored worker of culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Associated professor Yunuskhodzhaeva Muborak from TSTU (Technical University ) PHD in technical Sciences, Associated professor Guzal Rakhmanova, the head of the Department of " Social –Humanitarian sciences " Ph.D., Associated professor Tursunova Ranohon, associate professor of the same department PHD Usmanova Azizahon.
The lecture was held at a high theoretical and methodological level and it was highly efficient for students