18.03.2018 16065

On March 18, charity khashar was held to beautify and plant trees and shrub on the territory of the University as well as on the territory of park named after Mirzo Ulugbek in Tashkent city. The actions were undertaken in accordance with the Direction  № 187-F from March 10nd , 2018 issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1078 teachers, employees and students took part in the action. A large amount of work was carried out.  A territory of more than 12 hectares was beautified during the khashar and household rubbish and construction garbage was transported on special equipment to designated locations. The work was aimed at improving the ecological environment and ensuring clean air in the city. Furthermore, the territory of the park was cleaned, the trees were whitewashed and lawns were cleaned from the fall leaves. Teachers and university students planted new seedlings and ornamental plants. The organized khashar gave participants physical and spiritual strength, united citizens  and inspired young people to pay special attention to charity initiatives.