18.12.2017 15575

On the 15th of December 2017 TCCI UWED hosted its 6th Annual Republican Students’ Scientific-Practical Conference “Culture and Its Ingredients via Interpreting”. The event was opened by the welcoming speech of the Rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy Dr Abdumalik Djumanov who outlined the importance of interrelations among people of the modern world. He underlined the specific role of interpreters who help to increase friendly cohesion among people belonging to different cultures.

Scientific reports of students from various universities of Tashkent echoed the main idea which has been reiterated time and again: “If you are after peaceful co-existence, learn and respect different languages and the culture of people speaking these languages”. “Linguistic mistakes are easily forgiven, cultural ones - are not”. Students’ reports delivered during the conference have pointed out interesting methods applied by interpreters while dealing with all kinds of issues in the field of cross cultural communication via interpreting.

One of the most interesting parts of the conference was reflected in the question-answer session of the event. Participants of the conference had an excellent opportunity to discuss topical issues pertaining to the theme of the conference. They put forward very interesting ideas and suggestions connected with approaches to avoid cultural confrontation in the course of interpreting.

 The event was concluded by the Director of TCCI UWED  Dr Bakhodir Samadov who expressed his confidence that the students of the Training Center for Interpreters of UWED  will contribute serious efforts to raise awareness in the field of intercultural communication using well elaborated methods of interpreting.