07.12.2017 14829

On December 6, in the Assembly Hall of the University, in the mentoring time among the students of 1-2 courses, representatives of the faculty, mentors, a meeting was held dedicated to the topic: "Addiction is a terrible evil that does not know territory, borders, nationality." The head of the national center for the supervision of narcotic substances under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, H. Irismetov, and the doctor of the Narcological Dispensary of Tashkent M. Muminov were invited to the meeting.

During the meeting the film "Cabohat" was shown, the specialists told about what activities are being carried out in the country in the fight against drug addiction, preventive work among young people in this regard. At the same time, as an example, a strong legal basis, available experience of working with the public, educational activities among the population was provided. It was especially noted that during the years of independence measures were strengthened in the fight against the prevention of this terrible evil. In recent years, effective results have been achieved in order to prevent drug addiction, eliminate channels for the sale of psychotropic substances in the country. The participants expressed their views on the topic.