27.10.2017 19624

In academic year 2017-2018, the Institute of Management of the UWED continued to organize and conduct field training courses in the regional structural units of ministries and agencies of Uzbekistan.

 The Institute of Management of  the UWED conducted the training courses for chief accountants, managers, heads of departments and inspectors of the Namangan regional health department in Namangan on September 4-9, 2017.

Two training courses on “Modern basis of office work of personnel department” and “Accounting, taxation and record keeping in government-financed organization”  were successfully conducted by the specialists where 70 people were trained.

Retraining courses for chief accountants, managers, heads of department and inspectors of district departments of the Khorezm regional health department were held in Urgench city on October 16-21, 2017.

Training on the topics “Accounting, taxation and record keeping in government-financed organization” and “Modern basis of office management personnel” were attended by the representatives of 49 district health institutions.

The lecturers actively employed PPTs as well as interactive methods of training. A busy schedule of training and a large amount of information provided allowed the students to get all the necessary knowledge related to their professional activities.

The discussions raised great interest  and  listeners  asked many questions  which were given complete answers. In addition, all participants received handout materials.

The trainees  highly appreciated the work of the lecturers and  expressed  their  wish to continue their studies at the Institute of Management of the UWED.