Associate Professor of UWED was awarded with a diploma of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
09.10.2017 19943
In honor of the Teacher's Day associate professor of the Department of Uzbek and Russian languages of UWED Sharipova Nargiza Erikovna was awarded with the diploma of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan for her many years of fruitful work and devotion to her profession.
Sharipova Nargiza Erikovna is a teacher of high professional level, active, initiative, disciplined person with a developed sense of responsibility and patriotism who demonstrates interest for development of the department where she works.
It is difficult to overestimate her work in development of methodological science and education, upbringing of a harmoniously developed young generation. She has a well-deserved authority among her colleagues and university students.
On behalf of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, we congratulate Nargiza Erikovna and wish her success and prosperity in her future work.