17.06.2017 42549

On June 10, 2017, the Academic Lyceum under the University of World Economy and Diplomacy started the month of various events dedicated to the theme “Qualities of a noble man”. The first event on the agenda, round table on the topic “Generosity is an attribute of a human” was initiated by second-year students of the lyceum. During the event, the students recited poetry, quotations and hadiths. Moreover, the students voiced their own opinion on generosity. The teachers of the lyceum provided the students with the list of literature on the topic “Generosity is an attribute of a human” and recommended the students to read those books in their spare time.

Normurodova Ezoza, a second year student, concluded the event with the following phrases: “If anyone is spiritually mature, he is certain to have a wide range of positive personality traits. Becoming a spiritually mature person depends on whether we read books or not. Books nourish our souls just as the sun makes our days bright. So, let`s promote and cherish a long-lasting friendship with books!”