31.03.2017 25367

The events dedicated to the "Days of Francophonie" at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy were organized and held by the Department of "Romano-Germanic Languages" from March 27 to 30, 2017.

There were the following events offered within the framework of "Days of Francophonie" in a variety of ways:

  • Students conference on the topic of "The search of new ways of Uzbekistan- France cooperation”.
  • Photo gallery “Francophonie in photos”.
  • Demonstration of movie "Bienvenue chez les Ch’tiz!” in French language.
  • Food presentation "National cuisine of France and French-speaking countries of the world”.
  • Concert programme prepared by students of UWED.

The final festive concert with the participation of guests and students of the UWED was held on March 30, 2017 at 15.00 in the assembly hall of the university.

The concert was opened by the rector of the university, A.A. Djumanov. Mr. Rector thanked all the members of the "French language" section of the "Romano-Germanic languages" department for organizing and successfully carrying out all the planned events dedicated to the "Days of Francophonie at UWED", and also presented certificates to the students-speakers who took an active part at the first student conference on the theme: "Uzbekistan - France: The search of new ways of cooperation". Frederic Viyom - Attache for cooperation in the field of French language and Jean-Claude Bojan - Dear guest from Belgium were invited to the festive event;

The concert continued with a festive program prepared by students of UWED.

After the concert in the hall of the educational building "A" there was held the presentation "National cuisine of France and the French-speaking countries of the world”. The purpose of this event was to introduce guests, faculty, university staff, as well as students with national dishes and pastries of French-speaking countries. Dishes prepared by students studying French were offered for tasting. The abundance of tables attracted attention of visitors, thereby pushing them to exchange recipes.