24.03.2017 31537

On March 24, 2017, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted a meeting of students, undergraduates and young scientists with academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan S.P. Tursunmuhamedov and N.Yu. Turaev. A.Djumanov delivered the welcoming speech and briefly told about the biography of academicians and their outstanding achievements in the development of science.

Then the academicians S.P. Tursunmuhamedov and N.Yu. Turaev told the audience about the complexities, achievements and peculiarities of their scientific activity. Especially they noted great attention and direct support of president Sh.M. Mirziyoyev to creating the necessary conditions for the development of science in the country. The professor, doctor of science in history R.F. Farmonov and professor, doctor of science in political science E.S. Sultanova shared their thoughts and views on the meeting.

The participants of the meeting took the opportunity to ask the questions to academicians S.P. Tursunmuhamedov and N.Yu. Turaev. The academicians shared their vision of the prospects for the development of science and education in Uzbekistan.