Significance of Mirzo Ulugbek's scientific heritage
22.03.2017 32317
A discussion on the topic "Significance of the scientific heritage of Mirzo Ulugbek" was held in the House of Students for the students of all faculties of UWED on March 17th, 2017. The dialogue was focused on the scientific activity of great thinker, his extraordinary retentive memory as well as analytical abilities. Special attention was paid to multifaceted mathematical skills of the scholar and astronomical school of the scientist. The discussion was illustrated with examples. In their speeches, students talked about the ways Mirzo Ulugbek managed to subtract mathematical equalities using special approaches as well as teach students of higher madrassah the skills of calculating trigonometry and spherical astronomy. A special emphasis was placed on the calculations made at the Astronomical Observatory. The conversation made a great impression on the students.