04.05.2023 1390

On May 3-4, 2023, an International round table was held on the topic “Regional Development in Central Asia: Approaches and Priorities” at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. The round table was organized as part of the development of scientific and innovative cooperation between UWED and KazNU named Al-Farabi (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

The round table was attended by young scientists and experts from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan involved in regional studies covering various theoretical and practical aspects of the development of integration in Central Asia.

Young scientists and researchers of the UWED and KazNU named after al-Farabi (www.kaznu.kz/ru) brought up for discussion several aspects of the transformation of the region in the context of new geopolitical and geo-economic realities.

This event also reflects the main aspects of the state course “New Uzbekistan”, which also involves the deepening of regional integration in Central Asia.

The development of scientific, innovative and expert cooperation between countries at the level of leading universities and international scientists, economists, political scientists is also a significant contribution to the sustainable rapprochement of countries, as well as the development of new approaches.