06.03.2023 1078

On March 3 this year, a round table on the topic “Enlightenment against ignorance” was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

The meeting was attended by an expert of the Committee for Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers O.Shukuriddinbekov.

The event was opened by the First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Work of UWED Odil Yusufzhanov, and an opinion was expressed on the role of education in society in the fight against ignorance.

In his speech, the Vice-Rector said: “There is nothing worse than hearing that our compatriots and fellow citizens unknowingly follow false trends through the Internet and fall into the street of crime. There will be no one who is not touched or saddened by this. When we become witnesses of such events, we experience each of them in ourselves. “It is not one person or leader who is responsible for this, but the whole society,” he said.

Radicalism threatens the whole world, not just us. One of the important issues here is the protection of youth, thirsty for knowledge, from various alien ideas.

At the event, special attention was paid to the education of young people, information was given about the sad consequences of religious fanaticism, extremism and radicalism.

At the end of the round table, a short video was shown, and compatriots returned to their homeland thanks to the Mehr operations told the audience about the difficulties they had experienced. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this made the participants be doubly vigilant and take children seriously.