The Works of Alisher Navoi
09.02.2017 30830
On the 9th of February, 2017, a meeting on the topic of “The Works of Alisher Navoi” which is decicated to the 576th anniversary of Alisher Navoi was held at the information center of UWED.
The professor of “Uzbek and Russian language” department, associate professor M.Abduraxmanova, associate professor Sh.Normatova, the chairwoman of Women’s committee E.Sultanova, the director of Information center I.Klimitenko and the students of the university took part in the meeting.
Moreover, a very interesting and meaningful report of Sh. Normatova on the life and creative work of Alisher Navoi which is considered to be the summit of our rich history, literature and eternal moral source of our nation was also presented. All the participants of the meeting had a very good impression and it once more highlighted a practical application of the words of a great poet in life whose works still serve to be the hotbed of our morality.