28.11.2022 1141

24-25 noyabr kunlari Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti delegatsiyasi Boku shahrida ADA universitetida boʻlib oʻtgan “Oʻrta yoʻlak boʻylab: geosiyosat, xavfsizlik va iqtisodiyot” mavzusidagi xalqaro konferensiya ishida ishtirok etdi.

Konferensiyaning ochilishida Ozarbayjon Respublikasi Prezidenti Ilhom Aliyev ishtirok etdi.

Davlat rahbari anjumanda so‘zga chiqib, ishtirokchilarni qiziqtirgan savollarga javob berdi.

Ushbu muhim tadbir ishtirokchilari orasida AQSh, Belgiya, Bolgariya, Buyuk Britaniya, Fransiya, Isroil, Shvetsiya, Italiya, Gruziya, Kanada, Misr, Pokiston, Polsha, Ruminiya, Rossiya , Turkiya va boshqa mamlakatlarning yetakchi tahlil markazlari rahbarlari va vakillari bor edi.

Anjumanda Oʻrta yoʻlak xavfsizligini taʼminlash jihatlari, mintaqaning iqtisodiy imkoniyatlari muhokama qilindi. Xususan, bu borada Zangezur yo‘lagining ahamiyati, Sharq-G‘arbiy yo‘lak orqali yaratiladigan yangi transport imkoniyatlari, xalqaro yuk tashishlarni kengaytirish va diversifikatsiya qilish masalalari yuzasidan fikr almashildi.

Shuningdek, tadbirda ishtirok etish davomida ishtirokchilar Boku xalqaro dengiz savdo porti faoliyati bilan yaqindan tanishdilar.

On November 24-25, the delegation of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy took part in the work of the international conference "Along the Middle Corridor: Geopolitics, Security and Economics" which was held in Baku, at the ADA University.

The President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev took part in the opening of the conference.

The head of state spoke at the conference and answered the questions of the participants.

Among the participants of this important event were the heads and representatives of the leading think tanks of the USA, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, France, Israel, Sweden, Italy, Georgia, Canada, Egypt, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey.

The conference discussed aspects of the security of the Middle Corridor, the economic opportunities of the region. In particular, in this context, an exchange of views took place on the importance of the Zangezur corridor, new transport opportunities that will be created by the East-West corridor, issues of expanding and diversifying international cargo transportation.

Also during their participation in the event, the participants got acquainted with the activities of the Baku International Sea Trade Port.